Birth Plans

A birth plan is a document that communicates prospective parents’ wishes and goals for before, during and after labour and delivery. It outlines how they'd ideally like labour and delivery to play out if all goes to plan.

Women using this template should not worry about not knowing all the answers. A birth plan is not meant to present a rigid set of expectations, as this is a set-up for disappointment when things don’t go according to plan. In fact, birth plans are not mandatory, and only a small percentage of women complete them. Some prospective parents will find the exercise of preparing a birth plan useful, as it may lead them to reflect on aspects of the labour they had not considered, and then discuss them with their OB.

Women who are in special circumstances (eg. history of trauma) and have concerns or requests that are out of the ordinary may wish to formally outline these in a written birth plan, in order to avoid having to bring these up repeatedly with their care providers when in labour.

Women delivering at BC Women’s can rest assured that they will be cared for by a very experienced team of providers and that when decisions are required, various options, including their pros and cons, will be presented. There are very few ‘routine’ procedures at BC Women’s, and every effort will be made to respect prospective parents’ wishes, when feasible.