

The normal duration of pregnancy from the last menstrual period (LMP) is 40 weeks.

OBs prefer to refer to weeks rather than months of pregnancy, as measuring by week is more accurate.

Once referred to an OB, the typical course of care is as follows:

  • The initial consultation visit; typically in the first trimester

  • Monthly visits until week 30 weeks

  • Biweekly visits from 30 to 36 weeks

  • Weekly visits from 36 weeks until delivery

  • A final visit at 6 weeks postpartum

Visits may need to occur more frequently in high risk pregnancies, or if complications arise.

If the referring primary care provider does prenatal care, some of these visits may take place at their office, and the OB referral may not happen until later in the pregnancy.

Prenatal visits include discussion, examinations, and the ordering of various tests.



Twin pregnancies are inherently high-risk, and they are managed very differently from singleton gestations. The course of prenatal care for twins is therefore outlined separately.

Triplets and higher order multiples are usually managed by our Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) colleagues. In cases managed by the OB Group, individualized care plans will be formulated.