

OBs have completed 5 years of specialized training in obstetrics and gynecology. All of the OBs at BCWH are fellows of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and carry the FRCSC designation.

To see an OB for maternity care, women must obtain a referral from their primary care provider. Care for the mother continues until 6 weeks post-partum. However, OBs do not look after the newborn. In hospital, the newborn is cared for by the pediatrian on-call. After discharge, the baby’s care is assumed by the family physician.

OBs have the knowledge and skills to manage both normal and high-risk pregnancies, including all types of delivery (normal, vaginal breech, vacuum-assisted, forceps, and C-section). OBs also perform specialized procedures, such as cerclage (cervical stitch) and external cephalic versions (turning breech babies).

Home birth and water birth are not offered.

Prenatal care takes place in the private office of the primary OB, and labour and delivery is managed by the OB on-call. Planned C-sections are done by the primary OB.